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Jeff Foote

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update #2 Town Services

The Town of Bedford is committed to providing a high level of service for the community, while also prioritizing the health and safety of our employees. We are monitoring the coronavirus pandemic and utilizing information from the State of NH DHHS and the CDC. The State has made 2-1-1 available to any resident who needs information.

Town Office Building, Library, and Safety Complex remain open at this time but the hours for motor vehicle registrations are being reduced as outlined below. We would like to remind residents that there are several ways to conduct Town business without physically coming to one of our public buildings. The following bills can be paid online at  Automobile Registrations  Dog Licenses  Property Tax Bills

Additionally, the following can also be accessed online:  

Agendas and Staff Reports for upcoming board meetings at:  

Assessing records and town mapping at:  

Vital records:  Library to checkout audiobooks, magazines, music, and movies:  Summer Camp Registration:  

Draft 2020 Master Plan: https://nh-  

Online job listings: required regulatory meetings (Planning Board, ZBA, etc.) and the Town Council meetings will go on as scheduled at this time. They can also be viewed in the following ways: on Channel 22 (Comcast); via live stream and on-demand from BCTV’s website

Comments for items appearing on a Planning Board, Zoning Board, Conservation Commission, or Historic District Commission agenda can be made to the Planning Department at prior to 4:30 PM the day of the meeting.

Comments regarding items on Town Council agendas can be sent to the Councilors or the Town Manager at by 4:30 PM the day of the meeting.We are encouraging our own employees, as well as members of the community, to heed the CDC’sguidelines to keep homes, schools, and workplaces safe. They include proper hand washing with soap and water, and staying home if you are sick.This situation is evolving daily and information will be updated as it becomes available via this web pageand our social media channels. The Town’s Emergency Management team is evaluating information,keeping in touch with community and State of NH partners and will also provide updates.

Below are some additional updates and information from our Town Departments:

ASSESSINGInterior inspections will be temporarily suspended, however, we will be attempting to contact you via phone or email, or sending letters and/or questionnaires to be completed and mailed back to us in some cases. Exterior measurements, photos of sale properties, and properties with uncompleted building permits will continue. Prior to coming into the office we encourage you to call 472-8104 to see if we can address your issue over the phone or to make an appointment to ensure that staff is available to meet with you.

BUILDING DEPARTMENT Applications and inspections are still being completed but may be impacted as the situation develops. Prior to coming into the office we encourage you to call 472-3838 to see if we can address your issue over the phone or to make an appointment to ensure that staff is available to meet with you.

DPW ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE Prior to coming into the office we encourage you to call 472-3070 to see if we can address your issue over the phone or to make an appointment to ensure that staff is available to meet with you. Issues can also be emailed to:

FACILITY MANAGEMENTOur Department of Public Works Facilities Management Division has been hard at work keeping Town facilities clean and sanitary for Town employees and public visitors. Staff is following guidance from the CDC in using cleaning products formulated to fight common bacteria and viruses, including coronavirus. These proper cleaning procedures, combined with personal cough etiquette and appropriate hand washing, can reduce the spread of germs.

FIRE DEPARTMENTThe Bedford Fire Department is closely monitoring daily information from the CDC, State of NH DHHS, theState’s Epidemiologist, and our medical partners. We have made adjustments to our protocols to protect our first responders while still providing the best possible services to the community.

PARKS & RECREATIONThe Bedford Parks & Recreation Department is will be cancelling all scheduled programs for the next 30 days.

POLICE DEPARTMENTThe Bedford Police Department is committed to providing the best possible service to the community, while also protecting our officers. Due to the recent coronavirus outbreak, the Police Department will be making some changes in our operational protocols to better ensure employee and public safety, but will still be responding to all life safety and priority calls for service. Non-emergencies can still be reported by calling the Police Department at 472-5113 and may be prioritized or delayed depending on the request. We will also be temporarily suspending fingerprinting for the foreseeable future. All community policing programsincluding the upcoming Citizen’s Academy have been postponed until further notice.

BEDFORD PUBLIC LIBRARYAt this time, the Bedford Public Library remain open but all programs and meetings have been cancelled. We have increased the frequency and intensity of our surface cleaning, including wiping down computers. Please see our website for remote book, magazine, music, and film options:

HUMAN RESOURCESWelfare applications and appointments will continue to be given to those who are unable to meet their basic needs. Due to limited staffing, prior to coming into the office you MUST call 792-1315 to see if we can address your issue over the phone or to make an appointment to ensure that staff is available to meet with you. Please also visit our website: Job applications should be submitted online or via mail.

MOTOR VEHICLE and TAX OFFICE The Motor Vehicle and Tax Office will only have one window open at a time and with the following reduced hours beginning Tuesday, March, 17, 2020:8:15 – 12:00, 1:00 to 4:00 M-F

Having one window at a time open for these reduced hours allows more easily for social distancing and increased sanitation throughout the day as recommended by the CDC. In addition, please see instructions below for the following payment options that are available for Bedford residents to use. As always, please do not hesitate to contact the tax office at 472-3550 and with specific questions regarding motor vehicles or taxes. You can also contact other members of the Finance team at 472-9869 and .

Payment Options For Motor Vehicle Renewals: Online: of Bedford, NH 3 of 5

You will need your plate number, last four digits of vin number, and plate type. This information can be found on the renewal notice received in the mail. Also bear in mind that online motor vehicle renewals cost $0.40 for echecks and credit card payments are subject to a 2.95% convenience fee with a $1.95 minimum. If you renew online, registrations will be mailed to the address we mailed your renewal notice to.

Mail In to:Town of Bedford Att: Tax Office

24 North Amherst Road Bedford, NH 03110

Drop Box in the doorway located at 24 North Amherst Road.

Please use an envelope and include your payment remittance on information in your checkmemo line so we can determine what you are intending to pay.In Person at the Tax Office WindowsWe will have one window open at a time to encourage social distancing.

There is no ability to process NEW motor vehicle registrations online. We have begun discussions with the neighboring communities regarding the possibility of mutual motor vehicle registration processing during should we need to close the office. More information will follow should this become possible.

For Property Taxes:Mail In To:Town of Bedford Att: Tax Office 24 North Amherst Road Bedford, NH 0311 Please include your bill number on your check.Drop Box at the doorway located at 24 North Amherst Rd.Pay 2019 Taxes OnlineDelinquency notices mailed on March 2nd include your property ID (parcel) and bill number. We recommend searching by parcel number with hyphen and 2019 tax year only. Leave all other fields blank.

You cannot redeem tax liens online. However, you can obtain the current lien redemption balance online and submit a check. Please include your bill number on your check and be sure to pay your oldest taxes first.

PLANNING DEPARTMENT Applications and required public meetings are still be completed as usual, but prior to coming into the office we encourage you to call 472-5243 to see if we can address your issue over the phone or to make an appointment to ensure that staff is available to meet with you.Comments for items appearing on a Planning Board, Zoning Board, Conservation Commission, or Historic District Commission agenda can be made to the Planning Department at prior to 4:30 PM the day of the meeting and they will be provided to the board.

TOWN CLERK Prior to coming into the office we encourage you first look on the Town website for your information and to call 472-3550 to see if we can address your issue over the phone or to make an appointment to ensure that staff is available to meet with you.

TRANSFER STATION At this time, the Transfer Station remains open with regular hours and we encourage everyone to maintain social distances and to be patient with each other.

Coronavirus Resources:State of NH COVID-19 Telephone Hotline: 2-1-1 (for additional information & assistance) is being staffed 24/7.State of NH Department of Health and Human Services COVID-19 Website: Coronavirus Website:

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