A Neighborhood Informational Meeting shall be held at the intersection of Gage Girls Road and Beals Road from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm followed by a second meeting at the southern intersection of Grafton Drive and Wentworth Drive (near the Beals Road intersection) from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Tuesday July 28, 2020 to provide a project overview. Residents can ask questions, raise concerns, or just come to listen. The roads will be closed to through traffic during normal work hours but will be fully re-opened each evening. Detour signage and flaggers will be in place to assist motorists.
This project consists of the reconstruction of Wentworth Drive, Grafton Drive and Gage Girls Road. Work includes replacement of culverts crossing the road, installation of underdrain, reclaiming and repaving of the roadway and placement of shoulder gravel (on Grafton and Wentworth) and replacement of culverts, and construction of subgrade and paving of roadway on Gage Girls. Work is scheduled to begin the week of July 6. The contractor will be clearing and trimming trees in the right-of-way and replacing the roadway culverts. This will be followed by reclaiming/removal of existing pavement and rebuilding/reshaping the roadway and re-paving. Expect delays and seek alternate routes if possible. There will be periods of alternating one-way traffic through the work zones as well as limited road closures. Given our current quarantine situation, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not approach field staff. Please contact our office at (603) 472-3070 and ask for Jeanne Walker or send an email to jwalker@bedfordnh.org

Please see the plans for details of: Wentworth Drive HERE<https://e0c5c543-edc1-447f-9632-9a50dd6f9262.filesusr.com/ugd/efc040_7d29c5c486b64175a30d9c2355d01e48.pdf>, Grafton Drive HERE<https://e0c5c543-edc1-447f-9632-9a50dd6f9262.filesusr.com/ugd/efc040_da9fb2dd8d494d55924de2c0b41fe1cc.pdf> Delete this line and Gage Girls Road HERE<https://e0c5c543-edc1-447f-9632-9a50dd6f9262.filesusr.com/ugd/efc040_9b679415d3424627a0d1fef065d5abfb.pdf>