North Amherst and Campbell Road Project:
Week of October 23nd:
Phases I and II are now open to thru traffic, the work is substantially complete in these areas. The area will be subject to alternating lane closures as the contractor performs roadside clean up and fine grading. Expect minor delays.
During the week of October 23th the contractor is scheduled to begin work on the closed drainage system in Phase III of the project on Campbell Road. Phase III extends from the intersection of Pembroke Way to the intersection at Powder Hill Road/Atherstone Lane. This section of roadway will be subject to daily road closures, a detour will be in place to assist motorists around the work area.
Week of October 30th:
Phase I and II will remain open to thru traffic, as the contractor is substantially complete in these areas. Alternating lane closures may be implemented as the contractor prepares for the wearing course of pavement.
The week of October 30th the contractor is scheduled to install underdrain on Phase III of the project and prepare for paving of the binder course.

Note: Schedule is weather dependent and is subject to change.