NHDOT: Route 101 Improvements Work on Route 101 will continue throughout this year. Travel Notice: As part of the Route 101 Widening Project, Consolidated Communications will be closing Meetinghouse Road between Route 101 and Bedford Center Road on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at 8:00pm until Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at 6:00am. Motorists are advised to seek alternate routes to gain access and egress from Town Facilities and will be detoured to Bedford Center Road for full access to Route 101.
The closure is needed to relocate an underground telephone ductbank that crosses Meetinghouse Road. This is required to allow for the drainage and alignment improvements associated with the Route 101 Improvement project. See attached map for details. We appreciate your continued patience and cooperation with the traffic changes. April 9, 2018 Progress Update Drainage crews will continue installing drainage infrastructure on the north side of Route 101. Daily lane shifts will be implemented to allow room for this work to take place. Expect stopped traffic as equipment supplying materials to the work area will be entering and exiting the travel ways. Blasting operations will begin in the vicinity of Meetinghouse Road and Route 101.
The blasting will occur between 9:00am and 3:00pm. Traffic on Meetinghouse Road and Route 101 will be stopped in all directions for several minutes prior to and during the blast to ensure the safety of the travelling public. In the later part of this week, crews will remove pavement lines and striping in order to reconfigure the lanes for a new traffic pattern. This operation will cause minor delays while equipment and personnel are performing the work. Be aware of the new lane configurations throughout the construction zone. On-Going Travel Impacts: Motorists are advised that there are no left turns from Route 101 westbound onto Liberty Hill Road South or left turns from Liberty Hill Road South to Route 101 westbound. Liberty Hill Road North will remain closed until further notice.
Watch for continued utility work between Wallace Road and Bell Hill Road. Utility relocations will continue east and west of Meetinghouse Road. For more information about this project, visit the NHDOT Website